Vážení zákazníci, rádi bychom vás informovali, že naše showroomy budou od 24. prosince 2024 do 1. ledna 2025 uzavřeny. Po předchozí telefonické domluvě je však návštěva možná i během tohoto období. Děkujeme vám za vaši přízeň, přejeme krásné Vánoce, šťastný nový rok a těšíme se na vaši návštěvu!
Canadian Spa International® - Luxusní malá vířivá vana jako funkční doplněk v interiéru na několik způsobů - Spa Studio

If you consider buying a smaller model of a whirlpool bath but you still cannot place in indoors (due to limited space or the lack of intimacy), you have a few various models to choose, with   Lara Mini, the smallest model we offer, amongst them.

This top-quality model is equipped with superb efficient massage system and other accessories making the bath more pleasant. What is most fascinating though, is its ergonomic and clean space, limited to the very minimum, without compromising on quality and comfort.

Thanks to its dimension it is very easy to move and handle, or to place it indoors. It is also possible to embed it into the floor, fully or partially, under the level or the frame edge. If you decide to fully embed your whirlpool bathtub, it is necessary to know all the technical details about it in advance, as its shape and layout must precisely match the shaft.

The technical and service shaft must meet the requirements on service and maintenance of the bath surroundings. If you observe all the rules regarding technical and service requirements, you will be able to enjoy your bathtub and its trouble-free operation in the long term, without any concerns about the maintenance of easy accessible technology.