We are delighted to belong among pioneers of this beneficial natural force, which has absolutely healing and curing effects.
Since 2013 – from the very beginning of the development of the MicroSilk® technology, the majority of the professional public was very distrustful of this technology. We were the first importers in Europe to test and technologically develop this technology. We had the opportunity to be among the first to help accelerate the entire manufacturing and assembly of this technology (Originally owned by Jason® International, Inc. USA). Today, we are one of the largest retailers with our own experience, and thanks to that we know exactly who and under what conditions MicroSilk® can help and which skin to treat.
At the very beginning of this technology development in 2013, the most experts seemed to be rather skeptical about its effects. However, we have never hesitated and continued to develop and enhance this original and revolutionary product (of the American company Jason® International, Inc USA – at that time the only producer). Today, after more than 6 years of the highest sales in the European market we already know who can benefit of the MicroSilk® use and under which circumstances.
This curing and hydrating technology is especially recommended for women who deserve the most attention and care of their beauty. However, we should not forget about children who sometimes suffer from various kinds of unpleasant skin conditions and irritation such as atopic rush, psoriasis, dry skin or other skin diseases, and so already at a very early age.
MicroSilk® can also limit quite significantly striae, skin scars or stretch marks in a deeper skin layer.
Especially, during pregnancy every woman experience many changes. Mainly, since the last trimester many women go through hormone and weight changes. Therefore, during this period the skin may be subject to higher stress and intense strain resulting in striae. Up to 85% of pregnant women confirm their experience with striae. MicroSilk® technology is able to help while connecting with our body thanks to a reverse polarity of micron air bubbles and infiltrating deeper into our skin pores. This allows reaching epidermis layer and nourishing collagen. As a result, the skin becomes more elastic without a need to apply skin cream that certainly can hydrate and soften our skin, but on the other hand, it fills and closes the skin pores, which somehow limits our skin to breathe freely. This technology effectively supports skin elasticity, rejuvenation, skin cleaning and exfoliation.
See all models of whirlpools where MicroSilk® technology can be used HERE
We look forward to seeing you any time. We truly appreciate your trust and belief in our company, service and products.
We are fully available at your service.
Jan Mikisek CEO Czech Republic