The aim of this article is to review an opinion on small, narrow or corner whirlpools. In the past we witnessed certain dimensional limitation of these small and narrow models. Mainly, some difficulties were experienced by bigger or corpulent clients with regards to insufficient adjustability of the models forms. The biggest challenge of smaller size models was an insufficient depth of the forms and their ergonomic and equipment.
To put it simple, if our client was taller and subtle, it was quite challenging to find the right model. Since 2012 we have started to develop individual forms in such a way that would let us create dimensionally smaller models with several levels of seating, safe inner space and highly comfortable, sophisticated design with practical elements and with completely safe entry and exit of each person using the whirlpool.
Safety and free movement in the whirlpool seem to be quite a side line theme. Most producers repeat and copy forms characteristics that don´t respect anatomy and physiology of a human body.
Growing interest in our smaller model series proves wisdom of the forms we create. Functionality, output and quality are a matter of course for all our models. Remaining question for each one of you is how to exit your whirlpool once you get older, you are in pain, you suffer problems with mobility or walking, or if you get injured, you suffer from overweight, etc. This all becomes a reality of your life with a whirlpool.
The small whirlpool Corall is not only unique but also very popular
Today, we can proudly offer to every customer an optimal solution, we can offer amazing models for clients who are rather short, or pretty tall, or those who are overweight or with any physical disabilities. Truly amazing is the small model Corall for 2-3 persons that cannot be competed on the European market since its launch.
Exceptionality of our models, i.e. in case of our model Corall, is hidden in simple however magical design, open inner space and massage complexity. This model is indeed consistent and nowadays can offer to its owner not only very complex massage packets, but also individual elements which don’t have to be a part of large whirlpools only.
See models CORALL and MANTA, possibly select from our other models HERE.