Our customers frequently ask if hot water in a whirlpool or hot tub can possibly be harmful to women who are expecting babies. Relaxation during pregnancy can have a various forms depending on women´s preferences, however within certain limits. We recommend to follow your inner feelings, instincts and common sense, and above all doctors´ advices. Hot bath may feel very cosy, pleasant and relaxing for many pregnant women. What is your opinion on using hot bath during pregnancy?
In the first trimester hot bath, whirlpool bath or sauna is not so advisable. On the other hand, in the following months of pregnancy hot water may be beneficial and provide muscle relief, especially near to the due date it can help to calm the first contractions. Hot water over the temperature 36°C is not recommended to pregnant women, therefore temperature regulation and exact temperature settings in the whirlpools are one of the biggest advantages in order to meet real needs and requirement. Matter of course is to maintain clean and healthy water without use of chlorine.
Hot bath therapy is found to be very pleasant and relaxing for majority of pregnant women, although not so many women enjoy this way of therapy. At this point, it would be good to mention one of the biggest advantage of the whirlpool which is permanent temperature setting with constant temperature value during the whole day in a comfort of your house. When used reasonably, properly and with the right temperature any hot bath should be beneficial, even during advanced pregnancy when the first contraction may appear and hot bath can undoubtedly bring pain and muscle relief. Many of our female clients in advanced pregnancy admit that hot bath with pleasant temperature is the most enjoyable. Thanks to our anatomically shaped couchettes women can completely relax and let their whole bodies rest. Taking hot bath can also be beneficial for mind stimulation that can improve our mental health and mood. Some women even enjoy reading in the whirlpool. Shortly, hot bath is a place where you can enjoy time on your own.
Medical research proves that the first trimester is a high-risk period with regards to embryo development and all women should take special care of themselves and avoid any activities which could possibly threaten proper embryo development.

Effective help against gravidarum striae is the technology Microsilk®
We can truly recommend pleasant hot bath in combination with healing hydrating technology Microsilk® to all pregnant women in the second trimester. This technology not only hydrates and nourishes your skin but it can also reduce striae appearance and skin scars that can appear due to weight gain and hormonal changes in the advanced pregnancy stage. This technology uses micro air bubbles to naturally heal skin and deeply vitalize skin collagen and elastin which positively affects skin features. As the result, the skin remains perfectly nourished and more elastic. This air therapy manages remarkably eliminate striae appearance and also skin scars even in deeper skin layers where the scars may be of a permanent character. This is absolutely unique phenomena that can be recognized only within a few minutes on your body and that can be of a great benefit to your skin without a need to use special pregnancy cream which may help to nourish your skin, however it also closes skin pores and your skin cannot “breath”.
We look forward to your visit and your questions. We are deeply honoured by your respect and trust in our company, products and service.
Find out more about the natural technology Microsilk® or select your model among our whirlpools.